Labor conflict at the port of Hamburg: protests continue

5. 9. 2024

Hamburg, September 5, 2024 – Labor protests have flared up again in the Hamburg port in recent days, paralyzing one of Europe’s largest maritime hubs. Strikes, organized by the Verdi union, began on Tuesday morning and continue today. The demonstrations, intended to increase pressure on employers in ongoing wage negotiations, focus on improving working conditions for port service employees.

The strike started on Tuesday morning at 6:30, when workers interrupted their work at various locations in the port and formed decentralized protest groups. It is expected that today the protests will move to the city center, where a large demonstration will take place. “We want to increase pressure on employers this way and achieve better working conditions for our members,” said a Verdi spokesperson.

Dispute over Elbvertiefung and Cooperation with Eurogate

Another point of contention is the long-standing legal battle over the deepening of the River Elbe (known as Elbvertiefung), which aims to allow access for larger container ships. According to Angela Titzrath, CEO of Hamburg Port and Logistics Company (HHLA), this dispute has damaged the international standing of the port. “While we were engaged in legal battles, competitors like Rotterdam and Antwerp strengthened their relationships with shipping companies,” Titzrath said.

HHLA has also recently announced that it has initiated negotiations with the competing operator Eurogate about possible cooperation in the field of container terminals. “We hope to achieve a similar level of cooperation as the Hanseatic League had with its member cities, and create a strong alliance along the North European coasts,” Titzrath added.

MSC Enters Hamburg Port

Another significant development is the planned entry of the world’s largest shipping company MSC into the Hamburg port. Although the Hamburg City Council was supposed to approve this deal this week, the opposition is trying to slow down the entire process. MSC’s entry could significantly impact the future of the port and its ability to compete with other European ports.

Further Protests in Bremerhaven

The strikes are not limited to Hamburg. Similar protests are planned in nearby Bremerhaven, where approximately 3,200 employees are expected to strike. “We want to show that our workers are united and ready to fight for their rights,” said a Verdi representative.

Protests in Bremerhaven: Ports in Germany Disrupted by Strikes

In the past 48 hours, Bremerhaven and other German ports have become the center of intense protests and strike actions, significantly disrupting transportation and logistics. These actions are organized by the Verdi union in response to unsatisfactory offers in wage negotiations.

Main Events

On Tuesday morning, September 3, 2024, workers at the Hamburg port began an all-day strike, which soon spread to Bremerhaven. The Verdi union is trying to increase pressure on terminal operators to achieve better wage conditions. The strikes in Hamburg and Bremerhaven were scheduled for 48 hours, meaning all operations in these ports were halted until Thursday morning.

Impact on Transportation and Logistics

According to DSV, which is monitoring the situation, the protests were also organized by the German Farmers‘ Association (DBV) and the Federal Association of Road Transport, Logistics, and Waste Management (BGL), leading to further restrictions not only in the ports but also in nationwide cargo transport. This situation has caused significant delays and disruptions to supply chains.

Employers‘ Response and Next Steps

The Central Association of German Port Operators (ZDS) expressed its disappointment with the ongoing strikes, which it views as disproportionate given the constructive negotiations so far. Although ZDS acknowledges the right to strike, it emphasizes the need to maintain moderation and balance in its application.

Future Negotiations

Another round of negotiations between the unions and port operators is scheduled for September 11 and 12. The unions are demanding a wage increase of 3 euros per hour and further concessions. According to Verdi, employers need to take additional steps towards meeting these demands, or the strikes will continue.


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