Living in a container is financially and time-saving. High prices for building materials and labor, the time required have led many companies to the idea of creating quality and dream housing from the assembly of several shipping containers. Living from a shipping container can fulfill even the most demanding ideas about quality living. From a small weekend house to a full-fledged permanent residence consisting of several shipping containers. Residential shipping containers can also be used to build offices or just as building cells for companies.


Living in a container
Living in a container

Impersonal steel cubes that are no longer needed in shipping can quickly become the dream house from your childhood imagination. If you decide to build from shipping containers, you have many options when choosing and designing. A modular houses or modular system allows you flexibility and customization of the building according to your needs and ideas. You can choose both the size and the design according to your wishes. This concept gives you a free hand and allows you to create your building exactly the way you want it.


What is also a huge advantage is that the original construction does not have to be final, but you can always easily add another module according to your needs in the future. The interior design is also up to you and limited only by your imagination. You can have small windows or modern large floor-to-ceiling windows.

House from shipping containers price


It is precisely the fact that housing construction from containers is cheap that attracts many people. Residential houses made of shipping containers use top technologies in the field of heating, insulation, windows and recuperation, which ensure maximum comfort and energy savings.

The price depends on the size and condition of the used shipping container, but on average one costs 2 to 4,000 EUR for an area of around 30m2. For a family house, you usually need 2-4 shipping containers according to your plans for the final size of the house and the number of rooms. The resulting price depends on what everything should be in your house.

But you also collect plus points for ecology. Not only will you build a house from already used or discarded shipping containers, but you will also save the containers themselves. Because without you, they would have to dissolve unsparingly and demandingly. In addition, you will also save on other materials, without which the new construction of a brick house or wooden building would not be possible.

A basic house from a shipping container with a size of 30m2 will cost around 40 000 EUR.

Living in a container


Most constructions for houses from containers are placed on feet, so a base plate is not even needed. However, it is necessary to insulate the container well so that the house is not cold in the winter. Therefore, we recommend choosing underfloor heating. High-quality insulation is needed not only from the floor, but also from the walls and roof. In the summer, high-quality insulation will protect you from the heat, and the house will survive both frosts and high temperatures.

Houses are clad inside and outside, where there is either a classic facade or wood paneling. Here, however, you need to think about the fact that wood needs to be processed and treated over time. But overall the building looks better.

Modular houses


Shipping containers are made of strong anti-corrosion alloy steel that must withstand the changing climate at sea. So when you factor in exposure to UV rays, salt, weather conditions and moisture – the container really lasts a long time.

There is no container house here for more than a few decades, so it is difficult to estimate its lifespan, but it is expected to be really big, and it will certainly not be any worse compared to a classic brick house or wooden structure.


Living in a containers price

In addition to a building permit, you need a project that will be drawn up by a building contractor as part of building a house from a shipping container. You will sit down with the architects to discuss your idea of modern living, and they will incorporate it into the visualization and come up with layouts. Subsequently, the designer will take care of it, who will process the necessary documentation.

The building contractor will mark where water, electricity, and waste will be brought into the floor plan of the foundation structure, and as soon as the authority issues a building permit, an almost finished house will be brought to the site, which will only be “finished” on site.

On the land where the shipping container house will stand, it is necessary to have all network connections. After the house is delivered, the connections will only be made. For such a building intended for permanent residence, you need land, electricity distribution, sewerage and water.

If everything goes well, you can live in a modular house in six months. Houses from two or more containers can already be produced while the building permit is being processed. This usually takes about half a year. And in essence, depending on the complexity of the construction, it can take as long as the realization of the house itself.

There are certain projects and types of tiny houses in the Czech Republic, which are limited in size to 15-25m² and are not subject to a building permit. You thus have a certain freedom in choosing the location, or even transporting it if the construction solution allows it. However, if the building is intended for permanent housing, it is subject to a building permit, regardless of its size.

You don’t just have to build a family house from shipping containers, they can be used to make a garage from a shipping container, a cottage from a shipping container, a swimming pool or an original cafe or bistro.

If you're curious about transforming a shipping container into a cozy home, check out our article on shipping container for housing. It shares valuable insights on the benefits and challenges of container living. For those interested in sustainable living, explore the possibilities of shipping container houses. This piece reveals how versatile and adaptable these structures can be. Lastly, if you prefer reading in German, the Container Wohnung article offers a detailed look into container living solutions. It discusses everything from cost-effective options to essential insulation tips.