A revolution in maritime transport: Current trends and challenges

22. 9. 2024

Changes in International Shipping

In recent days, significant changes have been observed in the international maritime transport scene. Global economic conditions, including inflation and geopolitical conflicts, are influencing the growth and dynamics of this sector. Growth in 2023 is expected to remain low, reflecting broader economic factors including the conflict in Ukraine.

Container Shipping: Surplus and Shortage

The COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally affected container shipping. At the height of the pandemic, container transport nearly came to a halt, leading to a surplus of containers in some places and a shortage in others. The current issue is the opposite: a surplus of stored containers, causing many warehouses to refuse new clients due to a lack of space. This phenomenon is accompanied by a growing number of canceled sailings.

Maritime Security and Conflicts

The security situation in the Red Sea has deteriorated, leading to attacks on civilian vessels by the Houthis. These attacks have disrupted maritime transport and forced carriers to seek alternative routes. This situation not only increases costs but also extends shipping times.

Impacts on Ports and Logistics

Recent natural disasters, such as Hurricane Beryl, have caused a decline in container handling volumes at ports in Houston and New Orleans. However, the ports of New York and New Jersey are enjoying record months, partly due to holiday shopping aimed at avoiding further supply chain issues.

Sustainable Innovation in Shipyards

Shipyards around the world, including those in Baku, are focusing on sustainable innovation that aims to bring growth and reduce environmental impact. Initiatives aimed at greener technologies are becoming increasingly common and are expected to play a key role in the future of maritime transport.

The Future of Maritime Transport

Despite the challenges it faces, maritime transport is constantly evolving. The planning of new projects, such as Rio Indio in the Panama Canal, shows that industry players are prepared to confront challenges associated with climate change and increasing capacity demands.

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